I Got Up and Walked the Te Araroa


I got up and walked the Te Araroa is a factual account of my end-to-end (through) hike of the Te Araroa trail which runs 3,063 kilometers from the top of New Zealand to the bottom.



I got up and walked the Te Araroa is a factual account of my end-to-end (through) hike of the Te Araroa trail which runs 3,063 kilometers from the top of New Zealand to the bottom.
The official trail was opened in 2012 although it has been in the planning for many years. It is mainly on trails, however, it also passes through some villages and cities. I narrate what I am seeing and feeling and of the people I meet. It will describe to the reader the many high and low points and daily physical and mental challenges that a 119 day end-to-end hike will put the hiker through. Stories of being dropped off by boat into a high security area and how I got out; of being called into Kiwis’ houses to stay the night or just to have a coffee; falling down the side of a mountain into a raging icy cold river and thinking it was all about to end.
It was the hike of a lifetime and probably the best way to see New Zealand and its wonderful people. I have now completed several long walks around the world however Te Araroa is still one of my favourites.
All costs are in NZD.


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